Application Crash when running as a different user


I am trying to create a simple Blazor app but in order to connect to the datasource i need to do a "Run As" to connect to SQL. This seemed to work fine until i try and run the application in debug mode. As son as i do this the Radzen application crashes.

Will happily send the log to you via email


Hi @Otis,

We don't see any email with the log from you. Did you send such an email?

Also there is a chance you are experiencing this issue: The application window crashes


The log file is 5Mb so it may take a moment to leave our servers.
I am running version 2.46.0 so I am assuming i am past that issue, sorry


In fact I think it was ok Before I updated to 2.46.0 as i only just updated to it

I have sent some screenshots from my event log to you via email. I hope that helps

We haven't made any changes that could affect the behavior mentioned in the linked thread. We will investigate by running as a different user.

You can try disabling auto-updates to see if it makes a difference.

I have disabled the auto updates and it has still errored. In the process of getting you the debug logs

Just tested that case locally and no error occurred. I was able to run Radzen as a different user and successfully create and run an application.

  1. Does the error happen every time?
  2. Does it happen if you just keep Radzen open for some time (without doing anything)?
  3. Does it happen if you use Run as Administrator?

In addition does the error happen in all applications or just in a specific one?

Replied in line

  1. Does the error happen every time? - Yes :frowning:

  2. Does it happen if you just keep Radzen open for some time (without doing anything)? - It hasnt after 5 minutes but how long should I wait?

  3. Does it happen if you use Run as Administrator? - No

  4. In addition does the error happen in all applications or just in a specific one? - When i run as a different user and open other applications, yes. It seems that it is when i try and debug.

This could be it. Does the crash happen if you don't attach Visual Studio and just run the app with Radzen? Maybe you need to run it as the same user as Radzen? Not sure how attaching to processes that belong to other users works.

I am only running it in Radzen. I was hoping to throw a quick Radzen Blazor app together to prove something to my boss. I am attaching to two SQL databases in this one. Is that a factor?

You said that you debug - do you debug via Visual Studio or not? Having two SQL databases isn't a factor. This crash is something specific to your setup that we may not be able to reproduce after all. Can't you use SQL authentication to avoid running Radzen as a different user? That user could be restricted somehow and not have sufficient rights. Something else to try is disable the Watch for external changes from the Settings menu in Radzen.

sorry, the debug was Windows asking me if i wanted to debug the radzen crash. I cannot use SQL Authentication as i am attaching to a database that only allows windows auth. Will try your other steps and maybe see if it does the same in Visual Studio

I was going to suggest that - try running the app from Visual Studio without Radzen to see if this makes a difference.

I think i have found the issue. For some unknown reason it seems that Radzen doesnt have access to the file system. I have tried to open the folder (see clip hopefully)and it doesnt open at all. It does run in Visual Studio so I am going to assume that i need to keep the project on my laptop in a folder that can be read.

Radzen runs on behalf of the current user. If that user doesn't have access to the file system bad things could happen indeed. Make sure to allow that user access to Radzen's installation directory (c:\program files\radzen) and the app directory.

The thing is that it does have access but it doesnt seem to be the issue. I have moved the folder into an area that the other user can definitely read\write from and imported it successfully but it seems it is when i try and debug it crashes.