Suggestion: Blazor Authorization & Dialogs

I see that page authorization doesn't work for dialogs.

It would be nice if (in Blazor at least) the dialog service would obey the view authorization.

Perhaps there is a better way, but it seems to work if you were to generate <AuthorizeView> component instead of Authorize attribute.

Like so:

@page "/add-customer"
@layout MainLayout
@inherits BlazorAuthTest.Pages.AddCustomerComponent

@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor
@using BlazorAuthTest.Models.SalesData
@using BlazorAuthTest.Models
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization
@attribute [Authorize(Roles="SalesData.WriteAll")]    <!--INSTEAD OF THIS-->

<RadzenContent Container="main">
 <AuthorizeView Roles="SalesData.WriteAll">    <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->
    <Authorized Context="main">                <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->
      <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-12">
        <RadzenTemplateForm Data="@customer" Visible="@(customer != null)" TItem="BlazorAuthTest.Models.SalesData.Customer" Submit="@Form0Submit">
    </Authorized>                             <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->
    <NotAuthorized>                         <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->
        <p>Unauthorized</p>                 <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->
    </NotAuthorized>                        <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->
</AuthorizeView>                            <!--THIS IS THE TICKET-->

Thanks for listening and keep up the great work. Looking forward to 3.0!


Hi, it appears Radzen Blazor DialogService dialog is not opening when the project is using Authorization (included in Imports.Razor: @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization, startup.cs is configured correctly as roles working at page level as are authorizeview tags on pages, just no dialog working from Radzen).

The App.razor:

There were no AuthorizeView tags on the page where the button click fires the dialog.

The Dialog does not open...and no error reported:

Can you verify a working project with Authorize, or is there a known issue with Radzen Blazor Dialog and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization Authorization (fyi - am using claim roles i.e. [Filter(Roles="Roles,In,A,List"))] or )