SSRSViewer look weird

I've checked the app now. There are two problems:

  • Please change the report server from http://localhost/reportserver to http://localhost/ReportServer
  • Try to place the report in a sub folder with different name instead reports. For example MyFolder

Actually changing http://localhost/reportserver to http://localhost/ReportServer was enough

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It works! Thank-you-so-much!

The answer is you cannot use:
http://{{YOUR SERVER}}/reportserver
You must use:
http://{{YOUR SERVER}}/ReportServer


Glad it worked! I’ll do my best to include fix to ignore the case in the next update.

Also it works on my 2016 (13.0.1601.5) SSRS too!

Yep, the issue was fixed immediately and the fix will be part of our next update!

Everything works fine locally, but, when I deploy to Azure (using the Deploy wizard on the deploy section). I get:

You probably need to change the report server setting as it seems to have an extra /443/ in the path. Again you can compare the URLs used with and without proxy.

This is what I have in the settings:
I don't have 443 in the settings at all.
This works fine locally, it only stops working when I publish to Azure.

Then the only option is to compare the generated URLs with and without UseProxy. Unfortunately we don't have a SSRS hosted in Azure and cannot test.

I sent you the project by private message :slight_smile:

Follow up: Radzen version [2.44.8 - 2020-04-02] fixed the issue with the Report viewer working on Azure.

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for my part, using 2.46.2 I got this when using proxy.

At the Radzen app, here is what shown

And the Custom ReportController is like this

Just want to notice that my goal is to by pass this screen asking for credentials every time:

Make sure you have this code if you run your app on Linux.