RadzenTemplateForm can't submit


  1. click "Add" : to add a new data
  2. click "Submit" : it will show "Required"
  3. click "Delete" : to delete the data
  4. click "Submit" : can't submit ?

The below is my code, you can copy the code and creat a razor page to try it.
Thank you!


@page "/mytest"

@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor

<RadzenTemplateForm Data="@EditingData" TItem="RequestDto" Submit="@Form0Submit" >

    <table border="1" class="col-md-12">
                int index1 = 0;
                string validatorItemName = "";

            @foreach (PurchaseDto Ele in EditingData.Purchases)
                index1 += 1;
                validatorItemName = "aaa" + index1.ToString();

                        <RadzenTextBox @bind-Value="Ele.Item" Name="@validatorItemName" />
                        <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="@validatorItemName" Text="Required" Popup="@ValidatorResult" />

                        <RadzenButton Text="Delete" Click="() => deleteClick(Ele)" />

                    <RadzenButton Click="@((args) => newClick(args))" Text="Add" />

    <RadzenButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" Text="Submit"></RadzenButton>


    public partial class PurchaseDto
        public string Item{ get; set;}

    public partial class RequestDto
        public List<PurchaseDto> Purchases { get; set; } = new List<PurchaseDto>();

    private RequestDto EditingData { get; set; } = new RequestDto();
    private bool ValidatorResult;

    private void newClick(MouseEventArgs arg)
        EditingData.Purchases.Add(new PurchaseDto());

    public void deleteClick(PurchaseDto ele)

    protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Form0Submit(RequestDto args)

some code have been deleted. I don't konw why.

You should wrap your code in:

Can you reappear the question?
Is it a bug of RadzenTemplateForm component?

I can’t tell just by looking at your code why Submit is not called. You can try to debug it to see what is invalid. Add also InvalidSubmit to check if you have invalid fields.