Adding fields inside a Template Form dynamically

Is it possible to create entry fields inside a template form dynamically via a button press.

Alpha is a class containing List<string> betas
Beta is an element of List<string> betas

This works correctly when not contained inside a Template Form, but when I try to implement it using a Template Form it throws this error.

The reason I'm trying to use a Template Form is because I want to implement validation for each entry field.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @copemed,

Yes, you can use a foreach and a collection to create the fields. Here is another thread that shows something similar: RadzenTemplateForm can't submit

My apologies I didn't fully explain my problem.

I have a used a foreach and a collection Alpha.betas to create the fields, which works correctly when adding new fields outside of a Template Form; however when I try to contain the form within a Template Form and try to add a new field it throws the error shown above.

Add button: Click ="@AddField"

private void AddField() {

This exception is thrown by the Blazor framework. It doesn't support array indexing for @bind expressions. The workaround is to use Value and ValueChanged instead:

<RadzenTextBox Value="@items[index].Value"
               ValueChanged="@(value => items[index].Value = value)" />
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Thank you it works perfectly