RadzenDatePicker time control enables the user to select an invalid date

I defined a RadzenDatePicker control in this way

<RadzenDatePicker style="display: block" ShowTime="true" HourFormat="24" HoursStep="1" MinutesStep="5" DateRender="@DateRender" Name="TargetPublishingDate" @bind-Value="TargetPublishingDate" />

and this is the DateRender method

private static void DateRender(DateRenderEventArgs args) { var currentDate = DateTime.Now; args.Disabled = args.Date.Date < currentDate.Date; }

As you can see, the user shall not be able to select dates < today.
What I found out is that it is possible to select an invalid date by decreasing the time in the time control. For example, I select today's date (November 19)


As you can see, November 18 is disabled
Then if I decrease the time, the date changes to the 18th


To me this looks like a bug, the date should stick to the selected one and not change when decreasing/increasing the time.

What is your take on that?


any feedback about this?


Hi @ade,

The Radzen team does not guarantee replies.

I have logged this issue for future improvement. You can use a validator to ensure the date is in the right range.