Radzen tabs close by click


I am trying to remove a tab on click. I can display any Icon on radzen tab item but when I click it is not working.


Hi @gpatounis,

Setting the Icon of a tab item won't make it closeable as there is no such built-in feature. You have to use the Template and add a button with a Click event. Here is a working demo:

            @if (tab1Visible)
                    <span style="display: flex; gap: 6px">
                    <RadzenButton Icon="close" @onclick:stopPropagation Click=@(() => tab1Visible = !tab1Visible) Size="ButtonSize.ExtraSmall" />
                    Tab 1
                    Tab 1
            @if (tab2Visible)
                    <span style="display: flex; gap: 6px">
                    <RadzenButton Icon="close" @onclick:stopPropagation Click=@(() => tab2Visible = !tab2Visible) Size="ButtonSize.ExtraSmall" />
                    Tab 2
                    Tab 2

@code {
    bool tab1Visible = true;
    bool tab2Visible = true;

Important: it won't work with the Material theme because of the ripple effect and having two nested clickable elements (the tab and the button inside).

thanks for you answer. My mistake was that I used material Theme :frowning:

have a nice day

I am using material theme in the application. Could you please suggest a method to disable ripple effect for this page/control or is there any other work around to resolve the issue.

Indeed setting z-index is a work around

<Radzen.Blazor.RadzenTabs SelectedIndex="@tabIndex" SelectedIndexChanged="@(args => NewIndexChange(args))">
        @foreach (var i in tabs)
        <Radzen.Blazor.RadzenTabsItem Text="@($"Tab {i.Text}")">
                <RadzenButton Style="z-index:2" Click="@AddTab">Add Tab</RadzenButton>
                <RadzenButton Style="z-index:2" Click="@RemoveTab">Remove Tab</RadzenButton>
                <span style="display: flex; gap: 6px">
                        @($"Tab {i.Text}")"
