Customization of Tab in RadzenTabs

Is there any roadmap item to allow custom templates for the Text property of the RadzenTabs component? Simply allowing for text seems inadequate. I'd like to be able to add a Badge component indicating a count of items - and putting the count in parentheses next to the text is pretty unprofessional.

I would think this is pretty straightforward given most other components allow for a template of some kind (SelectBar, etc.).

Templates are supported for years: radzen-blazor/Radzen.Blazor/RadzenTabsItem.razor at master · radzenhq/radzen-blazor · GitHub

Can you please post an example of how the template is implemented in Blazor markup?

Sure. Check my reply in this thread: Radzen tabs close by click - #2 by korchev

Thanks! It'd be great to have had an example of this in the component library located here: Blazor Tabs component (

Hi @Jason_Kiesel,

We accept pull requests!

I'd happily extend the documentation examples for this - is there a github repo for them?

Everything we have is here:

The source code of the components, all the demos and documentation.