New user - can't get Datagrid to show anything

I'm doing a trial of the Radzen datagrid and am using this example to get my some mocked up randomized data to populate a grid:

For the moment, instead of creating any kind of database connection and using a dbcontext I just rigged up randomized data which I'm able to verify is in the object I'm trying to use to populate the grid. When I run the test application, the grid is not showing up at all. I can't tell whether it's just not visible or there the data I generate isn't populating the grid. Here's a partial code snippet, I'm not including all of the columns/class properties. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing (I had to upload a screen shot of the RazdenGrid markup, it won't show up in this post)?

@code {

int count;

public IEnumerable<AgentSurveyReviewModel> Surveys { get; set; }

public class AgentSurveyReviewModel
    public string CallId { get; set; }
    public string AgentFirstName { get; set; }
    public string AgentLastName { get; set; }

public async Task LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
Surveys = Enumerable.Range(1, 15).Select(x => new AgentSurveyReviewModel()
CallId = (10000 + x).ToString(),
AgentFirstName = (new string[] { "Larry", "Simon", "Tom", "Bridgette", "Cherdell", "Denise", "Paul", "Steve" })
[new Random().Next(8)],
AgentLastName = (new string[] { "Munoz", "Reboul", "Meyer", "Kroll", "Singleton", "Finlan", "Koppe", "Gentile" })
Surveys = Surveys.Skip(args.Skip.Value).Take(args.Top.Value).ToList();

    count = Surveys.Count();

    await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);

Hi @Larry,

Your RadzenGrid configuration is missing and we can't help without it. The code you have provided doesn't include anything Radzen related. Also please format it according to our guidelines.

See if this works:

<RadzenGrid Count="@count" Data="@Surveys" LoadData="@LoadData" TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" ColumnWidth="200px" Visible="true" AllowSorting="true"
            AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5">
<RadzenGridColumn TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" Property="CallId" Title="Call Id"></RadzenGridColumn>
    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" Property="AgentFirstName" Title="Agent First Name"></RadzenGridColumn>
    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" Property="AgentLastName" Title="Agent Last Name"></RadzenGridColumn>

This is the razor. Both the grid markup and the C# code have just 3 columns/fields to simplify:

`@code {

int count;

public IEnumerable<AgentSurveyReviewModel> Surveys { get; set; }

public class AgentSurveyReviewModel
    public string CallId { get; set; }
    public string AgentFirstName { get; set; }
    public string AgentLastName { get; set; }

public async Task LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
    Surveys = Enumerable.Range(1, 15).Select(x => new AgentSurveyReviewModel()
        CallId = (10000 + x).ToString(),
        AgentFirstName = (new string[] { "Larry", "Simon", "Tom", "Bridgette", "Cherdell", "Denise", "Paul", "Steve" })
        [new Random().Next(8)],
        AgentLastName = (new string[] { "Munoz", "Reboul", "Meyer", "Kroll", "Singleton", "Finlan", "Koppe", "Gentile" })
        [new Random().Next(8)]

    Surveys = Surveys.Skip(args.Skip.Value).Take(args.Top.Value).ToList();

    count = Surveys.Count();

    await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);


Also, if it helps, I was able to get a Radzen button to show up so I think I have the stuff from the quick-start guide in place correctly, I just can't get the grid to show up even though I've stepped through the code and I can see that the code that makes up randomized data is working.

Your declaration is missing the <Columns> element. Here is how it should look like:

<RadzenGrid Count="@count" Data="@Surveys" LoadData="@LoadData" TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" ColumnWidth="200px" Visible="true" AllowSorting="true"
            AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5">
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" Property="CallId" Title="Call Id"></RadzenGridColumn>
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" Property="AgentFirstName" Title="Agent First Name"></RadzenGridColumn>
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AgentSurveyReviewModel" Property="AgentLastName" Title="Agent Last Name"></RadzenGridColumn>

I thought it might be something simple, thanks, that was it. Now I can play with the grid for a while to evaluate it.