I'm using both Radzen Blazor Studio and Radzen Studio. I have .Net 8.0 installed and after the last upgrad for Radzen Blazor Studio i will nead .Net 9. If I install that will I get a problem with Radzen Studio?
Hi @VictorW60,
You shouldn't get any problems by installing .NET 9. We have similar setups running ourselves and haven't encountered any problems.
It look likes problem with multiple tenants. I need to add protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => warnings.Ignore(RelationalEventId.PendingModelChangesWarning));
} to run app as it raises the bugs with ApplicationIdentityDbContext about pending change
I get this too, steps to reproduce were:
Create an Empty Application
Add Database Connect and Scaffold a couple of simple tables
Run App
Without Stopping App:
Add Security, Choose ASP.NET Identity, Select Enable Multi-Tenancy
Stop App, Run App
Get this error and App won't start.
I then added the code to disable the warning and then ran an dotnet ef migrations add PostMultiTenancy --context ApplicationIdentityDbContext
which generated a migration and then ran the app which ran the migration and added the changes.
You can remove the ignore warning code if you want to.
Perhaps this should be include somewhere in FAQ or Documentation