My name is Victor I’m new to this, but I have for 30 years developed database application, since 1992 in with SQL Server and Visual Basic (now VB.Net) so I’m an okey developer. I have never developed anything that runs in a browser, everything I have done uses WinForms (Desktop application).
I’m a sailor and I would like to build an application that runs in a web browser. There are two apps, an admin app and a sailor app, the admin app is run by me and some helpers and the sail app is used by sailor to add their boat and sign up for races.
I started to build it in VB.NET with stores Procedures because that is what I’m good but it looks like the 90ies, so I looked at Radzen and I decided to try it.
So, I have created a database and also a Radzen project with CRUD pages, this was easy