Navigation properties during inferring


I checked infer results in models and I have realized that Radzen is able to create meaningful navigation properties only if the column name starts with ‘id’ and ends with the name of a table. For example, in my Document class created idOurBank and OurBank because I have OurBanks table. When the column property does not follow this logic creates generic navigation properties for example, for idProjectManager created Resource because it points to a table named Resources. I have idInvoice, idWorkOrder etc … which reference to Documents table (autoreferencing) so I have Document1, Document2 .. Document6. When I will code, I will have to figure that with Document.document3 I am using the workorder. If I add a second resource, I will have Document.resource1 and document.resource2; it is very uncomfortable. I did not find any documentation about this. Is there a way to tell radzen the correct name for example document.WorkOrder, document.projectManager?
Thank you

Radzen is relying on database relationships not on property names. Properties are renamed only if there is a table or other property with such name.

Hi Enchev,
Maybe I did not explain well, I took for granted that Radzen relys on relationship. If I expand my Document table Keys node on SqlServer management studio I see these foreign keys:
‘FK_Documents_OurBanks’ which relates Document.idOurBank with OurBanks.idOurBank
‘FK_Documents_ProjectManagers’ which relates document.idProjectManager with Resources.idResource
‘FK_Documents_WorkOrders’ which relates document.idWorkOrder to Documents.idDocument

In my Models.Document.cs I have:
public int? idOurBank
public OurBank OurBank { get; set; } AS Expected

public int? idProjectManager
public Resource Resource { get; set; } Not ProjectManager
public int? idWorkOrder
public Document Document6 { get; set; } Not WorkOrder

public ICollection Documents6 { get; set; } Not WorkOrders

Here I am asking if I can do something to instruct Radzen to behave as did with OurBanks because relationships have all needed information to do it.
Hope been more clear.
Thanks again