Filter datagrid based on inner join table reference

hi guys, i'm using Radzen studio with some back end code changes in VS,

the task i'm trying to do is to create a dataGrid from table A (simple enough)
with an INNER JOIN to table B
and then filter the results in the datagrid (shoing only table A data) WHERE table B.someID = parameters.ID

my research led me to this post
Create complex queries in datagrid columns templates - Radzen

which demonstrates how to establish an inner join (awesome) but no clarity on how to filter it

or this post which is to invoke a custom server side method
Invoke custom server-side method (

so question, is there a way to achieve my requirement without the server side method?
or just stick with server side method and see how i go?

thanks again

After reading the content a few times, this is exactly what i want to do

in my client project file;
client \ Pages \ editImprovement.razor.cs

i have attempted to add the Radzen Context for the database;

however i can't seem to add it either in a using statement or via injection;

i therefore assume to get that reference i need to modify the Client project

once that was added i was able to create a new context which dosn't seem right as the exmaple simply allows you to connect and query...

at this point however i feel i'm stepping too far away from the example

soo question .... should i add a using using TmrGovernance.Data and singleton of the DB Context to my Client \ Program.custom.cs

ending up with a final client \ Pages \ editImprovement.razor.cs that looks like

these steps are not covered in the example so i'm guessing at best

The links in your first post are related to Angular. You might need to check and complete maybe our tutorial for creating complete application, especially this article:

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hey @enchev i was following the Blazor tab for instructions on the example

the example you have posted just above looks like a combination of putting the DB logic into an API controller on the server project and then calling that API via the client.

noting that if i follow your above example and strip back my changes, i cannot access the Data.Context on the client project, so step 1... inject the Data.Context step... does not work.

is there a difference between Radzen Studio and Blazor Studio that i need to be aware of ?

You cannot use DbContext in a client project of an WebAssembly application.

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