Create complex queries in datagrid columns templates

Hello, everyone. I’m quite new in all of this, and have a question about templates behind columns in data grids. Currently one may have a simple request to another table to retrieve the data like this:


It’s equvalent to SQL:

SELECT another_property FROM AnotherTable
WHERE AnotherTable.ForegnKey IS data

(Correct me if I’m wrong)

How can I traverse further through related tables? E.g. something like this:

${x?.FinalTable.required_property where x=data.IntermediateTable?.IntermediateForegnKey}

Hi Nikolay,

All related tables are available as properties, arrays or instance. Related properties are populated with $expand or with separate data-source invoke:

You can also invoke custom method and return custom data using this approach:

Best Regards,

I’m afraid, I don’t understand the answer… I have a “parent” table for which I generate a grid. Tables, directly related to it, are available without any additional code as in screenshots above - I just ask them as “properties” of my “data” object:
My problem is that I need to go further, to a table not related directly to the “parent” one. In SQL I do it with JOIN statement as far as I need. But I don’t understand how can I write it in a template…
You suggest to change the template for the whole grid, but I need to change only one column.


You can display joined tables with custom server method invoke approach or using stored procedure.

Best Regards,


You can also use nested expands (converted to JOINS in SQL) to present many-to-many like Orders -> OrderDetails -> Products:

Here is the application.

Best Regards,

So, after some exercises…
The ASP.NET documentation lies. The only way to make these deep queries work is to include explicit ($expand=TableName) in page load (as on the screenshot above) and in data grid “load” events. Otherwise they will disappear after switching between pages of the table.

Quick question: in your example you use data list template to show products, how to:

  • show values in-line and not as a list
  • limit the size of a field for the template and make it scrollable (paging is not an option - too much space wasted)

You can define any Angular template for DataGrid column cell template. For example:

You can use the template also to define height, width, overflow, etc.