Hello, everyone. I’m quite new in all of this, and have a question about templates behind columns in data grids. Currently one may have a simple request to another table to retrieve the data like this:
It’s equvalent to SQL:
SELECT another_property FROM AnotherTable
WHERE AnotherTable.ForegnKey IS data
(Correct me if I’m wrong)
How can I traverse further through related tables? E.g. something like this:
${x?.FinalTable.required_property where x=data.IntermediateTable?.IntermediateForegnKey}
I’m afraid, I don’t understand the answer… I have a “parent” table for which I generate a grid. Tables, directly related to it, are available without any additional code as in screenshots above - I just ask them as “properties” of my “data” object:
My problem is that I need to go further, to a table not related directly to the “parent” one. In SQL I do it with JOIN statement as far as I need. But I don’t understand how can I write it in a template…
You suggest to change the template for the whole grid, but I need to change only one column.
So, after some exercises…
The ASP.NET documentationlies. The only way to make these deep queries work is to include explicit ($expand=TableName) in page load (as on the screenshot above) and in data grid “load” events. Otherwise they will disappear after switching between pages of the table.