Failed to bind to address address already in use

I'm sorry to post this in this forum but when I try to run my Radzen i will get this message

Failed to bind to address address already in use.

Proberly very basic but I'm lost.

IIS is running.

Hi @VictorW60,

This means one of the following:

  1. There is some other application that runs on port 5000 on your machine.
  2. An older instance of the application you are trying to run is still running.

Does restarting Radzen or your PC solve the problem?

I tried everything and then I moved over to a PC running windows 10 and it works.

So windows 11 gives me the error windows 10 does not, same Radzen same Visual Studio different OS.

I googled and found a similar problem but then it was on iOS and MS have come with a fix.

So for now I will stick with Windows 10 :slight_smile:

Hi @VictorW60,

There isn't a known compatibility issue with Windows 11. You most probably have another process running at port 5000. You can edit the Properties\launchsettings.json file to change the port of your app.

Thanks i will test that


Works fine in Blazor Studio but I have a problem in Radzen.

I edit launchSettings.json with Textpad and set the port to 5001, I save the project and restart Radzen, somehow the changes I did was overwritten with 5000.

In Radzen you can change the port from the application settings.

Ok, but I can't find that in application settings in Radzen, I must be blind.

It is the gear icon in the top right corner. By the way I am not entirely sure if you are using Radzen Studio or Radzen Blazor Studio.

I open a project and click on the gear icon in the top right corner

then this UI apperas

I can´t find the post settings

You are right. I am mistaken. You would need to go the same route - update launchSettings.json and add it to code generation ignore list. Or just use Radzen Blazor Studio.

Ok, and I will move to Radzen Blazor Studio.

I experienced the same issue on a W11 machine, but actually the problem is the Intel(R) Graphics Command Centre Service. Stopping that fixed the issue as the MS supplied version uses port 5000.