Wrong Required Validator Fired

I have a page with two text boxes on it. The data item of the template form is bound to an instance of class MyTest which is defined as:

public class MyTest
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public MyTestChild ChildOne { get; set; }
        public MyTestChild ChildTwo { get; set; }

    public class MyTestChild
        public string ChildText {get; set; }

The name of the instance of MyTest2 is GetTestData. I have initialized the
instance with the following statement:

GetTestData = new MyTest
    ChildOne = new MyTestChild(),
    ChildTwo = new MyTestChild()

The first text box is bound to GetTestData.ChildOne.ChildText.
The second text box is bound to GetTestData.ChildTwo.ChildText.

Each text box has its own required validator.

When I am running my application and entering a value in the first text box,
the required validator of the second textbox is fired.

I was then making a refresh and left the first text box empty and entering
a value in the second text box. Now the required validator of the first box
is firing.

This problem only happens when an instance of class A is used which have two or more properties which are instances of class B.

Do you have any solution for this ?

Here is the source code of the page:

@page "/testme/add"
@layout MainLayout
@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor

@using AlarmService.Data

<RadzenContent Container="main">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-12">
        <RadzenTemplateForm Data="@GetTestData" Visible="@(GetTestData != null)" TItem="MyTest" Submit="@SubmitData">
                <div style="margin-bottom: 1.5rem" class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-3">
                        <RadzenLabel Text="Text 1" Component="tbText1" style="width: 100%">
                    <div class="col-md-9">
                        <RadzenTextBox MaxLength="100" style="display: block; width: 100%" @bind-Value="@(GetTestData.ChildOne.ChildText)" Name="tbText1">
                        <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="tbText1" style="position: absolute">
                <div style="margin-bottom: 1.5rem" class="row">
                    <div class="col-md-3">
                        <RadzenLabel Text="Text 2" Component="tbText2" style="width: 100%">
                    <div class="col-md-9">
                        <RadzenTextBox MaxLength="100" style="display: block; width: 100%" @bind-Value="@(GetTestData.ChildTwo.ChildText)" Name="tbText2" >
                        <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="tbText2" style="position: absolute">

                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col offset-sm-3">
                        <RadzenButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" Icon="save" Text="Save" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Primary">
                        <RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" style="margin-left: 1rem" Text="Cancel" Click="@ButtonCancelClick" >

Does this work with the built-in Blazor validation (which Radzen uses under the hood)? Both field identifiers are ChildText which may not be supported.

I was doing some investigations. You are right. I am using now a proxy object so that i can access the properties in a flat way