When displaying a dialog I get a ghost of the dialog to the right of the main dialog

I should have specified where in the video it demonstrates the issue.

If you view the video at 3:11 where it shows the single form and then at 3:22 the 2nd copy of the form. In other cases if I wait too long it gets into multiple iterations. I only ask that you view those 11 seconds in case it brings up something. Otherwise, I'll deal with it on my own from here. Thanks.

I checked the video at the specified interval and it shows that something opens the dialog multiple times (no surprises here).

Now all you have to do is check the call stack in Visual Studio to see what code is opening the dialog and why. This code is your application code. Here is how I am tracing the OpenAsync call back to the page which opens the dialog (DialogWithPage.razor).

You can use this approach to see why the code which opens the dialog is called multiple times.

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Thanks for all the help. When I couldn't find it that way, I started working on some workarounds and then it hit me. Layout files. When I looked at my ProcessorLayout file, it is a sub of MainLayout. Both layout files contained:

    <RadzenNotification />
    <RadzenDialog />
    <RadzenTooltip />
    <RadzenContextMenu />

I removed these duplicate tags from the inner Layout file and the shadow disappeared.
System response is now much better. thanks again. Harvey .

I suggested earlier to check for <RadzenDialog /> in multiple locations.

Anyway glad this issue is solved.

Sorry I assumed incorrectly that we didn't have that problem. My bad. Thanks for putting up with me.