when I edit a vehicle and save, is there a way to update the child data grid?
Usually you don't have to do anything extra if the pages are created using our Master/Detail Hierarchy template:
they were, I'll recreate and compare
what code does the refresh?
I got it fixed, had to rerun getchild data
<RadzenButton Variant="Variant.Text" Click=@(() => EditTheVehicle(load, vehicle.Id)) @onclick:stopPropagation="true" Text="@(editView)" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.ExtraSmall" />
protected async Task EditTheVehicle(RadzenBlazorServerApp.Models.sql_database.Load data, int id)
if (isLocked)
editView = "Locked Vehicle";
await DialogService.OpenAsync<EditVehicle>(editView, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", id } });
await GetChildData(data);