Visual Studio compile error when Blazor Studio is open

I have an application with multilanguage resources files (.resx files that I use for pages localization).
When I try to compile the application from Visual Studio, I always get two errors:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error MSB3027 Could not copy obj\Debug\net8.0\en\Gestio.resources.dll to bin\Debug\net8.0\en\Gestio.resources.dll. Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed. The file is locked by: .NET Host (11256) Gestio C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 4891
Error MSB3021 Unable to copy file obj\Debug\net8.0\en\Gestio.resources.dll to bin\Debug\net8.0\en\Gestio.resources.dll. The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\net8.0\en\Gestio.resources.dll' because it is being used by another process. Gestio C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 4891

This happens only if BlazorStudio is open.
Before introducing the resource files it was perfectly working.
You can imagine it's annoying to always close and reopen BlazorStudio every time I need to make a visual change.
Do you have any solution for this ?
Many thanks in advance,

Hi @mpolazzo,

We are not sure how to reproduce this issue. If you have an active subscription you can send us your application to

I don't have an active subscription, since I'm not a professional developer (maybe I'll become professional in the future...).
The easiest is to have a kind of Teams call so I can show it to you. The less easy is that I pack-up a quick application for you and hope that it makes the issue.

On the other side... we can turn the question differently: Could BlazorStudio avoid to keep the resources.dll file busy ? I'm sure it's not necessary to keep it open.


We don't provide this kind of support. We can't debug our product over a Teams call.

As I said before we don't know how to reproduce this.

Hello @korchev,
After a long time I still have this issue, so I decided to create a mock application for you to identify and reproduce this issue. I will send the application (it's named "RadzenApp") to, even if I don't have an active subscription. Maybe it could be helpful for other developer too.
The application is pretty simple (just a couple of text lines where you can change the language from a menu). Just to refresh the issue:

  1. Open the application at the same time with Radzen Blazor Studio AND with Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. try to build (or rebuild) the solution from Visual Studio.
  3. The app won't compile and will try to copy the file resources.dll, that results as kept busy by Radzen Blazor Studio.

Could you please check that ?
Many thanks in advance.