Using Self-created Components


I'm experimenting with creating my own components using Radzen Blazor Studio and then inserting them using RBS's 'Add Component' option.

Can you please clarify what exactly causes a file I create to appear in the list of Components? Is it that the file contains both markup and a @code block? I ask because initially I could not make my file appear, but then it seemsed to after I added a code block.

Also, if I create a Page to use as a component, is there a way to make it not use the MainLayout without doing what I've currently done, which is to create an empty alternative layout?


Hi, any thoughts on this one please?

Hi @SolutionJ,

What file doesn't appear in the components toolbox? Can you provide more info? Where do you create the file, what contents? There isn't any imposed limitation for the presence of a @code{} block.

You can use the Layout switch from the toolbar.

Hi Korchev,

I created a Page in the Pages folder, the contents initially were:

@page "/DGTicketList/{Potype:alpha}"

@using TBi.Services;
@using TBi.Data.Models;


<RadzenSwitch @bind-Value="@swopen" Name="swOpen">

<RadzenSwitch @bind-Value="@swclosed" Name="swClosed">

<RadzenDataGrid Data="@tickets" TItem="Ticket" Density="Radzen.Density.Compact" AllowColumnResize="true" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowPickAllColumns="false" AllowSorting="true" ColumnWidth="" @bind-Value=@selectedTickets PagerAlwaysVisible="true" ShowPagingSummary="true">

But when I tried to insert this into another Page, it wasn't listed under Components. I add an @Code block and then it seemed to appear, although I've just checked again and it isn't appearing now...

Re the Layout switch, my question is, do you have to select a layout, there doesn't seem to be a way to elave that option empty?


You can try removing @page from the component which is not a page.

I don't get that. Pages use the default layout. You can disable it during design time via the Layout switch.

By the way why are you trying to insert a page with route into another page? I haven't seen this as a requirement before.

I don’t want to disable it during design time, I want it to be ignored when the page is rendered.

I think I hd to create it as a Page in order to use your IDE to add components into what will then be my component, bit maybe I’m wrong about that?

Pages should not be used in other pages. Shared components should be defined outside of the Pages directory - in the Components directory if using .NET 8.

I have recorded a demo.

Ok, thanks, I will rework things tomorrow.

Morning Korchev,

So, I had not understood that the Layout switch suppresses the rendering of a layout when running as well as in design mode, so that one's cleared up thanks.

I have reworked my component - removed the @Page directive and put it into the Components folder etc - and that all seems to be fine, however in design mode I'm getting a render error as follows.

The component fetches some data in the OnInitializedAsync(). If I comment this data fetch out the render error disappears?


You can try using the preprocessor to hide the fetching code from design time.

Thanks, I can see how that could help. What I've actually done is to move the data fetch into the main 'Page' component and pass it to the subcomponent as a parameter.

Incidentally, even if I set the Layout switch to off in the subcomponent, and save it, when I open the subcomponent again, the layout switch has come back on?

Yes, this is how we have implemented it. There is a global option to enable and disable layouts in the settings.