Using Radzen in Blazor WebAssembly

I created a new project from visual studio

I installed Radzen according to documentation
When i go to the Account page which is located in server side Radzen components not working like check boxes and forms
please suggest me what i need to do

Our demos are WebAssembly application - check what’s different compared to yours:

Thank for Response

"I checked RadzenBlazorDemos, and there are no pages in the server-side."

Make sure your server app is interactive:

This is my server side App.Razor file

if i use InteractiveServer or InteractiveAuto instead of PageRenderMode than app showing not found page on server side located pages

Hi @Blazor_Dev,

The Radzen.Blazor components require interactivity to be enabled for the containing page as mentioned in the getting started documentation.

Neither your page nor your app has interactivity enabled.