Url decode missing in Controller


I have generated CRUD pages using Radzen and one database table is using string as a primary key. That key can include special characters, for example character "/" (slash). I am using Angular as a frontend and API call to controller is using encoded string, which is OK. However, on controller there is no decode call for that parameter. Therefore, I cannot edit or delete records because Linq is using still encoded string and no records are found.

I found a solution to add that generated .cs file to code generation ignore list, but is there a better solution?

Hi @togor,

I've just tested this and I'm unable to reproduce it:


I am using PostgreSQL database 12.6 and Radzen version 2.67.0. For example I get URL on Controller like that: "http:%2F%2F0.0.0.0:12345".

The database type doesn’t matter in this case.

Hello @enchev,
I still have not been able to resolve this issue. Can you please send me that project so maybe I will get a better understanding what am I doing wrong.

Thank you.

There is nothing special in the application I've tested - everything is in the screenshots. Just auto-generated CRUD pages.

I have created same SQL database and generated CRUD pages but on my end slash is not decoded.

What's the .NET version of your app?

I am using .NET 6 version

I was able to reproduce the issue. It seems that this is regression in Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 8.x used in our .NET 6 projects compared to Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 7.x used in our .NET 5 projects. We will do our best to research what's causing this and to provide fix/workaround if possible.

Ah OK, I thought I was doing something wrong :slight_smile:. Also I have noticed that character ' (quote) character is causing issues on frontend. According to OData documentation, single quote character is not a valid URL. Instead, there should be two single quotes. Is there something you can look into it too?

Thank you