Upload file authorization fails with 404

Hi Team,
We are uploading single file using angular Core 2.2 version and forms based security enabled but receive Http 404.
I am using your sample upload but with the addition of the Authorize attribute.

The code works fine if the [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")] is commented out.

We have compared the request headers using browser dev tools on a request to http://localhost:5000/auth/ApplicationUsers and http://localhost:5000/upload and note when http://localhost:5000/upload is called the Authorization bearer appears to be missing.

Any ideas?

Hi @mumfie,

I’ll check that I’ll let you know immediately when we have more info!

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Hi @enchev,
I just tried your latest build and the 404 issue is now resolved.

Yep, we’ve managed to fix it!

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