I just upgraded to the last version of Radzen components and I am getting some style issues under the Software Theme.
On other themes everything is rendering correctly, but on Software theme not.
For now, I have two occurrences. One with the Pager and the other with a RadzenNumeric Inside a RadzenDataGridColumn.
Grid One:
Grid Two:
These two grids share the same code for that column:
<RadzenDataGridColumn Width="220px" TItem="RestockNeedsDTO" Property="RestockQtd" Title="Pickup Qtd" Sortable="false" Filterable="false">
<Template Context="data">
<RadzenNumeric Min="1"
Style="width:100%; display: block"
Name="SkuVariantCodePrefix" />
The problem with the Pager in both grids is the same:
For the Pager I have this in the Grid creation:
If I change to the Defauklt Theme or Standard or other, everything looks good: