Update Structure Data

I have made a lot of progress in an application in Radzen Blazor Studio (latest version).
But I have realized that I must add a new field to a table in which I already perform the CRUD and customize it.

Is there any way I can refresh the new structure in the Context.cs of the Data without overwriting the Pages already generated and modified?

I need to update the structure without overwriting because when I enter "Data", I select the source and it automatically sends me to the "Code generation Settings" window and there is no refresh.

Muchas gracias!

If you follow the data source wizard you will be able to add the newly created fields in the database on the first step and on the last step to skip CRUD pages creation - in this way you will update everything related to the database: context, service and models and will not touch anything in the pages where you can manually add what’s needed.