Update radzen.blazor version 3.11.12 to 4.1.4

I just update package version Radzen.Blazor from version 3.11.12 to 4.1.4.

Before when I rendering the DataGriview the result was :

Now the result is :

Have you an idea how I can obtain old configuration?

None of the build-int themes look like that. You can check our inline editing online demo.

Thanks for your information.
I already have this example on the radzen site.

I came back to version 3.11.12 and found an acceptable configuration.

I am currently net5.0.
I see that version 4.1.5 is compatible with net5.
It's a real mystery!

thanks in advance to your help


I mean the built-in themes in Radzen.Blazor 4.x don't look like your second screenshot. If you have a custom theme you will need to update it. The full changelog is listed in this thread: New Radzen.Blazor major update

I didn't use custom theme.

I think I'll uninstall radzen v3. 12 to put the new version
What do you think?