Update disrupted my project

Yesterday there was an update that disrupted my entire project.
Whilest generating the code I get random errors on different models and security.
I also notices that references to Radzen.Server.analyzer gave errors in Cl\users\vladi\onedrive\documents\Github\Radzen.server\analyzer.cs. line 276-233-130. I don't have this folders.
Before it worked fine, I removed my project, I reinstalled Radzen, restored the database, but nothing helps.
Any suggestions on how to approach this problem ?

You can send us your project to info@radzen.com so we can troubleshoot. Just delete any bin and obj directories - our email server rejects larger files.


We ran your project and everything compiled and worked normally in design time:

Will you post a screenshot or some more info how it fails on your end?

radzen: Generating code ...
Unhandled exception.
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:_projects\DotNetCore\nukepages3v3\server\Models\nukepages3\Abonpersoon.cs' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)
at System.IO.FileStream.CreateFileOpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamReader.ValidateArgsAndOpenPath(String path, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks)
at System.IO.File.InternalReadAllText(String path, Encoding encoding)
at System.IO.File.ReadAllText(String path)
at Radzen.Server.Analyzer.AddDocument(Solution solution, String fullPath) in C:\Users\vladi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Radzen.Server\Analyzer.cs:line 276
at Radzen.Server.Analyzer.OnProjectChanged(IEnumerable1 changes) in C:\Users\vladi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Radzen.Server\Analyzer.cs:line 233 at Radzen.Server.Analyzer.<LoadProject>b__8_1(Object sender, IEnumerable1 changes) in C:\Users\vladi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Radzen.Server\Analyzer.cs:line 129
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__139_1(Object state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

radzen: Code generation done in 5978ms.
dotnet: watch :
dotnet: Started

After installing security I am always redirected to the login page.
IdentityServer4.Endpoints.AuthorizeEndpointBase.ProcessAuthorizeRequestAsync(NameValueCollection parameters, ClaimsPrincipal user, ConsentResponse consent)
at IdentityServer4.Endpoints.AuthorizeEndpoint.ProcessAsync(HttpContext context)
at IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IEndpointRouter router, IUserSession session, IEventService events)
Error Number:208,State:1,Class:16

1 Like

The first error means that Radzen cannot access the file to write it since it's locked by other application. Most probably Visual Studio?

Try to run your app in incognito mode to avoid browser caching of WebAssembly app.

I tried it with a new database, there I don't have the issues.
What about the error in analyzer.cs path, that is surely not mine :

at Radzen.Server.Analyzer.AddDocument(Solution solution, String fullPath) in C:\Users\vladi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Radzen.Server\Analyzer.cs:line 276
at Radzen.Server.Analyzer.OnProjectChanged(IEnumerable1 changes) in **C:\Users\vladi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Radzen.Server\Analyzer.cs:line 233 at** Radzen.Server.Analyzer.<LoadProject>b__8_1(Object sender, IEnumerable 1 changes) in C:\Users\vladi\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Radzen.Server\Analyzer.cs:line 129

I’m afraid that I cannot reproduce such error. Do you get this on run?

Hmm I suspect that you get this in Visual Studio while running from Radzen?

I get this on a run, my visual studio is closed, I run Radzen as an administrator, but i only have the problem with the database I was working on. In my database I had the previous MS membership, and Radzen updated it with the new membership.
I created a new database and there I don't have the problem.
Vladi is your name I guess. There was an update 2 days ago and +-10 minutes later another update. Maybe the first update was in error or a dev version ?

Yes, that’s the name of the user in my machine. It seems that I’ve added by incident debug version of our Radzen .NET libraries and Visual Studio detects the debug symbols - still not sure how and why this might prevent the project to run normally or Radzen design time to work. With or without debug symbols the code is the same.

If there is something i can check please let me know. In registry or roaming folder or database,....

The only option I can suggest is to reinstall Radzen. We’ve never seen such errors before. You can get also all previous versions of Radzen from our changelog.

this is what i already did.

Unfortunately I’m out of ideas since we cannot reproduce the error. For sure the next update (tomorrow) I’ll make sure to include release build of our .NET libraries.