Unable to set array on data schemas


Iv ben using radzen alot the past 2 months and suddenly I came across a wierd bug. The bug is the following:

I go to a REST Api data source in my project and edit / add a schema and edit/add a propterty and sets the property to be an array with the "Is Array" . When i save and then goes to check the data source again the "Is Array" box is unchecked.

This happaends in new and old projects and with all the Rest API sources.

Any clue how to fix this? "IsArray" is really important to work.

Thanks alot!

Unfortunately I can't reproduce such a problem. The IsArray checkbox remains checked in my tests.

You can send us your application to info@radzen.com and we will investigate further.

Unfortunately it is not depending on the application/project. Even with a brand new project it does the same. This was starting to happend when i diceided to modify one of the JSON files in the meta folder. I copied and pasted a schema and renamed it to save time instead of creating a brand new schema that would look similar.

I will test to reinstall the Radzen IDÉ and see what happends.

If you want to reproduce more, test to edit the json file in projectfoler -> meta -> data -> *.json
As i said i copied one of the scehmas and pasted it with a diffrent name.

This is unlikely to help.

If this somehow created invalid swagger definition Radzen is likely to fail to recognize it. I tried with copy and paste of a schema under a different name but didn't encounter any problems.

Providing the meta directory of your application would allow us to test further.

Yupp, as you said, it didnt help...

Where can i provied it, email?

Just zip the meta directory of your application and send it to info@radzen.com

Iv sent you a email!

Thanks alot

Turned out to be a problem with creating array of strings. We will address that with the next Radzen release later this week.

Awesome work!

Thanks for the big help!