TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined

So whenever I try to run I am running into this error:

ng-cli: × 「wdm」: TypeError: Cannot read property 'default' of undefined
at compiler.hooks.emit.tapPromise (C:\Program Files\Radzen\resources\node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\angular-cli-files\plugins\index-html-webpack-plugin.js:82:53)

Is there a simple thing I am missing?

This could be an indication of a broken Radzen installation or custom node_modules that are not completely installed. Do you have a /client/node_modules directory ? If yes try deleting it to see if it makes a difference. You can also try reinstalling Radzen.

Updating Radzen fixed it. And we didn`t have any custom nodes. So I think the installation simply corrupted somehow.