TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'target')

Hello guys,

I'm pretty new to these Radzen tools (and in Blazor generally), and I can say that you're doing an awesome thing!

But, I have a problem:

I uploaded data to the RadzenDataGrid and looks good. On Edit (double-click to the grid row, or click on Edit button) I'm opening a DialogService. If I just close it without any changes on DialogService.Close(null); everything is just fine.

But, if I change any field in that dialog and submit DialogService.Close(dataModel); or even if just closing after any field change DialogService.Close(null);, I'm getting the following error:

This is happening in my custom page/dialog as well as in pages Blazor Studio created when I fetched the data from the database.

Also, I must add that I downloaded Blazor Studio v 1.0.6 today. Everything was just fine in earlier versions.

Thank you in advance,

Hi @dejan,

This is an issue in the Radzen.Blazor component library which is fixed in the latest release. Try changing the version of Radzen.Blazor in the .csproj of the application to 4.4.1 and rebuild the application.


Works like a charm.

Btw, I overrode <PackageReference Include="Radzen.Blazor" Version="*" /> with 4.4.1 as you suggested. Any manual override after the new version update?