I really like the look of the RadzenFormField component and I'd like to use them in my app.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to determine why the text of the form field displays to the right side of my textbox:
I named the FormField "StreetFF" for troubleshooting. Is it possible some of my layout/formatting is causing an issue? I'm using pages originally generated by Radzen Blazor Studio and I'd like to keep my layout compatible with Radzen in case I want to change themes later.
@kest874 if your ask is about a dropdown with a floating label, it is available already. All you have to do is to place <RadzenDropDown> inside a <RadzenFormField>. See the input types example on the form field demo page.
Hello radzen team,
im going to use RadzenFormField with radzen 2.84.8 & Radzen.Blazor 4.10.4 but i cant get it to work.
Radzen generates no "RadzenRow" or "RadzenColumn". Only "div" with classes.