Timeline: set distance between items

Is there a way to set the distance between timeline items (V or H). I would like to show how far the item is from the previous/next.

To prevent unexpected very long distance, it could be predefined steps [close, normal/default, far, very far, the farthest]


Hi @alsaleem,

No, setting the distance between timeline items isn't possible. By design all items are expected to be the same distance from each other.

Thanks @korchev
Can this be achieved using margin/padding?

Is there away to play with margins/padding?


Padding seems to work:

        <RadzenTimelineItem PointStyle="PointStyle.Primary" >
        <RadzenTimelineItem style="padding-top: 300px">
            @* *@

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Perfect. It does not break the connection line too.

Appreciate your help.