Third party components are not rendered in browser

I need to use a linear gauge in my app and so I want to use a third party component for this. In can design in Radzen Studio my page with this component, I mean that the component is rendered in Radzen Studio.
But when I am starting my app and go with the browser to the page, the
component is not rendered.

@page "/"

    <RadzenText TextStyle="Radzen.Blazor.TextStyle.H5" TagName="TagName.H1" Text="" />

    <Tank Style="width: 141px" Value="30"></Tank>

What must I do that the component is rendered also in the browser?

Hi @weismantelf,

We can't comment about why third party components are not working. I would check developer tools though for any JS errors or failed HTTP requests.

But why is it in Radzen Studio in design mode working?

As I said before we don't know how third party components are working.