There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated

I have a web app developed on blazor server with radzen when publishing it in azure it gives me this error: Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated. For more details turn on detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in 'appSettings.Development.json' or set 'CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors'. but I did 3 tests, the first I published the project without connections of any kind as it was created, and it did not give this error; The second test I connected to the database, I was able to modify, create and delete data in the normal way when publishing, but my third stage was to include the authentication in my login that is used normally on my localhost, in fact I logged in and the error appeared when enter home

Hi @Estefania_D_Santiago,

This means that there is a server-side exception that happens in production. If you are positive that adding security introduces the problem check the troubleshooting section (for example make sure your application is using HTTPS). You can also check the logs of your production environment.