The width of Radzen Drop grows depending on the number of characters

Please forgive the inconvenient sentences for machine translation.

If you select a character string longer than the dropdown, the width of the dropdown will be widened and the character string will not be omitted.
The width is specified as 100%.

Please tell me how to deal with it.

@page "/counter"

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-12">
            <RadzenDropDown AllowClear="false" TValue="string" Style="width:100%"
                            Data="new[] { str1, str2 }" />

@code {

    private string str1 = "123456789@";
    private string str2 = "123456789@123456789@..."; //long string


You should set width in pixels.

Hi @enchev,
thank you for your answer.