The dropdown filter always has problem

The drop down filter always have problem with filtering the records especially:

  1. when you have thousands of records in that table.
  2. When you use Chinese characters.
    Anyway we can solve it?

    <RadzenDropDown Data="@inventoriesForInventoryId" TextProperty="MedicName" ValueProperty="Id" AllowClear=true
    Placeholder="Choose Inventory" style="display: block; width: 100%" @bind-Value="@stockCheckBody.InventoryId" Name="InventoryId"
    Count=@inventoriesForInventoryIdCount LoadData=@inventoriesForInventoryIdLoadData AllowFiltering="true" FilterDelay="1000" />

Looks like you're using custom filtering with the LoadData property.

  1. What does your inventoriesForInventoryIdLoadData method look like?
  2. Are you calling the StateHasChanged method after you reload the data?

Look at this example code.