Thank you Radzen!

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to thank you for the Radzen product. I'm really excited about it. I haven't been this excited about a product since I came across Lightswitch from Microsoft years and years ago (2011 I think).

The past couple of months, I've really started to get to grips with it and enjoy using it almost daily of late. I'm useless at UI, always have been. Radzen is allowing me to create intuitive designs for my database work. I'm not the most advanced developer in the world either, I've never had any formal training and always worked for myself. I've never had a "serious" software development job.

Radzen is making me look good though! Thanks for that.

I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your support. The speed in which you help and provide solutions or software updates for fixes is remarkable. I know I can rely on the support forum or email support if I have an issue.

Thanks again guys and keep pushing on with the product (Blazor specifically :wink:).
