Suggestion for a new component

Was reading your latest update on the Picklist and SecurityCode components, and it triggered my thought to share another component idea:

Basically the same functionality as a dropdown, but instead of a dropdown you have a grid of buttons, like the layout of a phone screen which represent the choices you can make. you can allow single-select or multi-select and the user will be able to simply click their choice(s). The button can have an icon, background color, background image and/or text. Grid layout would be responsive and customizable.

I don't think I can do that now with any of your components (if I can do with some CSS hacking or whatever let me know), but I've built similar screens for mobile apps and people were really happy with that.

Just a suggestion, keep up the great work!

If you are looking for custom popup you can check this demo:

Not exactly what I meant, but I found a way to make the checkbox component look like phone icons through css overwrites so that’s great. Keep up the good work!