Submit/InvalidSubmit not triggered

Hello, I have a Blazor .NET 8 WebApp application with Radzen.
I have a template form, which should call an OnSubmit() method, however nothing triggers.
The RadzenRequiredValidator doesn't work either.
When I debug, no error console, output, google chrome console etc....
I have exactly the same code for another application and it works.

Razor :

@using Idemia.SmartServices.Orchestrator.Services.Configuration.Models
<RadzenTemplateForm TItem="ConfigurationModel" Submit=@((ConfigurationModel args) => { OnSubmit(); }) InvalidSubmit=@OnInvalidSubmit>
        <RadzenStack Gap="1rem">

            <RadzenRow AlignItems="AlignItems.Center">
                <RadzenColumn Size="12" SizeMD="4">
                    <RadzenLabel Text="Login :" />
                <RadzenColumn Size="12" SizeMD="8">
                    <RadzenTextBox @bind-Value="config.Login" Style="width:100%" Name="Login" />
                    <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="Login" Text="Login is required" />

            <RadzenRow AlignItems="AlignItems.Center">
                <RadzenColumn Size="12" SizeMD="4">
                    <RadzenLabel Text="Password :" />
                <RadzenColumn Size="12" SizeMD="8">
                    <RadzenPassword @bind-Value="config.Password" Style="width:100%" Name="Password" />
                    <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="Password" Text="Password is required" />

            <RadzenRow AlignItems="AlignItems.Center">
                <RadzenColumn Size="12" SizeMD="4">
                    <RadzenLabel Text="Customer Reference :" />
                <RadzenColumn Size="12" SizeMD="8">
                    <RadzenTextBox @bind-Value="config.CustomerReference" Style="width:100%" Name="CustomerReference" />
                    <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="CustomerReference" Text="Customer reference is required" />

    <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" JustifyContent="JustifyContent.Center" Gap="1rem" Class="rz-mt-8 rz-mb-4">
        <RadzenButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" Text="Submit" />

Razor.cs :

using Idemia.SmartServices.Orchestrator.Services.Configuration.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;

using Radzen;

namespace Idemia.SmartServices.Orchestrator.Web.Components.Pages.Configuration
    public partial class AddConfigurationDialog
        protected NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; set; }

        protected DialogService DialogService { get; set; }

        protected TooltipService TooltipService { get; set; }

        protected ContextMenuService ContextMenuService { get; set; }

        protected NotificationService NotificationService { get; set; }
        public ConfigurationModel config = new ConfigurationModel();
        void OnInvalidSubmit()
            NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, "Create invalid");
        private void OnSubmit()

Model :

 public class ConfigurationModel
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Login { get; set; } = string.Empty;
     public string? Password { get; set; } = string.Empty;
     public string? CustomerReference { get; set; } = string.Empty;

Most probably your app is not interactive:

My App is Interactive (the sidebar is working) :

    <HeadOutlet @rendermode="@InteractiveServer" />

    <Routes @rendermode="@InteractiveServer" />
    <script src="_framework/blazor.web.js"></script>
    <script src="_content/Radzen.Blazor/Radzen.Blazor.js"></script>

I dont know... I have same code but with other values/object in a different app and it is working..