Strange issue about view calendar

Hello guys,
a strange thing: on a mobile phone the calendar is displayed in this strange way:

  1. Name of the days of the week strange for the language (Italian)
  2. Arrow to go back < not displayed (only the one to go forward is visible >)
  3. The icons inside the tabs to change the view (daily, weekly, monthly..) are not visible!
    Can you help me? A thousand thanks.


Hi @Roberto_Daniele,

This is what .NET returns for the day names. The relevant code is here: radzen-blazor/Radzen.Blazor/Rendering/WeekView.razor at master · radzenhq/radzen-blazor · GitHub

We use "ddd" as default HeaderFormat and here is how it looks in our online demo when we use "it-IT" for culture:

This seems to either be caching issue and icons fail to load or the screen size is too small to display the icon.

Probably the icons are too small or a caching issue. Try our online demo to see if icons render as expected.