SSRS Parameter and Toolbar

Is it possible to hide the parameters and toolbar for an SSRS Report? I know if can be done when building the URL. I was able to do it in the past with Lightswitch. I tried making the parameters hidden but they are still displayed. If possible it would also be nice to allow or not allow the Export of the SSRS report.



You can try setting some of the various parameters that the MSSQL report viewer supports. The Radzen SSRSViewer component has a Parameters property which you can use. Our video shows how to set parameters.

When I try to set the Parameters to a value of Collapsed it gives me a error that the Parameter "Parameters" is not defined in the report. It is acting as though I want to set a parameter for the report itself which I am not.

Did you try setting the rc:Toolbar parameter? You can refer to this article for all parameters that the ssrs html viewer supports

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Yes that worked. I was missing the "rc:"
