Slow response in multi-select RadzenListBox

Slow response when clicking checkboxes in multi-select RadzenListBox. This is a phenomenon that occurs only the first time after starting the application, and the response is quick after the second time. This phenomenon occurs when the initial value is not selected. Doesn't happen if selected.

<div class="rz-p-sm-12 rz-text-align-center">
    <RadzenListBox @bind-Value=@values Data=@products TextProperty="ProductName" ValueProperty="ProductID"
                   Multiple=true AllowClear=true Placeholder="Select products" Style="width: 100%; max-width: 400px; height: 200px" />

@code {
IEnumerable<int> values; //This phenomenon occurs when the initial value is not selected
//IEnumerable<int> values = new int[] { 1, 2 }; //Doesn't happen if selected.
    IEnumerable<Product> products = new List<Product>
        new Product
            ProductName = "a",
            ProductID = 1
        new Product
             ProductName = "b",
            ProductID = 2
        new Product
             ProductName = "c",
            ProductID = 3
          new Product
            ProductName = "d",
            ProductID = 4
        new Product
             ProductName = "e",
            ProductID = 5
        new Product
             ProductName = "f",
            ProductID = 6

    class Product
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public int ProductID { get; set; }

It's caused most probably by this call, however I'm afraid that most probably we cannot do much since this is needed:

If you find a way to avoid this you can submit pull request.

Understood. Thank you very much.

We've found recently something that might help in this case as well:

This technique is used by default now in latest version of Radzen.Blazor.