I'm looking at the documentation for InLine Editing and InCell Editing, for both you have to click before an edit box renders.
I want my edit boxes to just show in my grid from the start and have a save button that saves all values.
I can't even get an edit box to render
Here is my grid tag
<RadzenDataGrid @ref=VehiclesDataGrid
and here is my column/edit template, should it not render as an editable textbox?? (the value renders but it's not a textbox)
<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="RadzenBlazorServerApp.Models.sql_database.Vehicle" Property="Rate" Title="Rate">
<EditTemplate Context="vehicle">
<RadzenNumeric @bind-Value="vehicle.Rate" Style="width:100%;" />
do i have to use IsInEditMode?
it's actually a drilldown grid, I need to drill down into an object, have a grid displayed where it's clear which values are editable then a button to save all editable fields, like this