Simple inline editing

I'm looking at the documentation for InLine Editing and InCell Editing, for both you have to click before an edit box renders.

I want my edit boxes to just show in my grid from the start and have a save button that saves all values.

I can't even get an edit box to render

Here is my grid tag

<RadzenDataGrid @ref=VehiclesDataGrid

and here is my column/edit template, should it not render as an editable textbox?? (the value renders but it's not a textbox)

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="RadzenBlazorServerApp.Models.sql_database.Vehicle" Property="Rate" Title="Rate">
    <EditTemplate Context="vehicle">
        <RadzenNumeric @bind-Value="vehicle.Rate" Style="width:100%;" />

do i have to use IsInEditMode?

it's actually a drilldown grid, I need to drill down into an object, have a grid displayed where it's clear which values are editable then a button to save all editable fields, like this

Maybe you can just use DataGrid columns Template instead since what you are looking for is completely custom editing not related to the built-in DataGrid functionality.

shouldn't the code i have shared render a text box?

The code you shared is using EditTemplate related to default DataGrid editing while your requirements are different.