Showing Razor Page in Radzen Tab

Hi, I am a huge fan of Radzen Blazor components, and I am using them from a long time. Currently due to a task I needed to show Blazor page in Radzen Tab Control but I am not able to do this. Can you please tell how can I add Blazor page into a tab page added newly from list item programmatically.

Hi @asifnawazmiani,

Blazor pages can also be used by their tag name so you can embed them inside a RadzenTabsItem:

  <MyPage />

where MyPage.razor is your page.

MyPage ....
does not work !!

We are using it in every online demo :slight_smile: I am pretty sure it works. If you need help please provide more info - what doesn't work, screenshots, exceptions etc.

Dear Korchev,
Is there any way I can inject or render the razor page dynamically inside a panel?
For e.g My UI is divided into two sections using a combination of radzen splitter and panel components and I have a tree component on the left-hand side of the UI. Now onclick event of each child node of the tree, is there any way I can render a razor page dynamically on the right side of the panel? Please advise.