Server-side implementation of RazdenGridComponent

Hi Team,
I am working on blazor web assembly project, wherein i am building a Blazor WebAssembly application that retrieves a list of customers from an API endpoint and displays them in a paginated and sortable grid using RadzenGrid.

"searchKeywords": [


"columnName": "string",

"value": "string"



"pageIndex": 0,

"pageSize": 0,

"sortColumn": "string",

"sortOrder": "string"


The above payload is an example of the JSON object that the user will pass to the API when making a request to search for employees, customers or orders. The payload contains several properties, which are used to specify the search criteria and pagination settings for the request.

The searchKeywords property is an array of SearchKeyword objects. Each SearchKeyword object has two properties: columnName and value. The columnName property specifies the name of the column that the value property should be used to search on. For example, if the user wants to search for employees with the name "John Smith", they would pass an array containing a single SearchKeyword object, with the columnName property set to "FullName" and the value property set to "John Smith".

The pageIndex property is used to specify the page index of the search results that should be returned. For example, if the user wants to retrieve the second page of search results, with 25 results per page, they would set the pageIndex property to 2 and the pageSize property to 25.

The sortColumn and sortOrder properties are used to specify how the search results should be sorted. The sortColumn property specifies the name of the column that the results should be sorted by, and the sortOrder property specifies the order in which the results should be sorted (e.g. "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending).

I hope the above explanation helps you to understand payload structure of the API. API takes care for the searching, sorting and pagination.

I have been trying to implement the Blazor component that uses the API end point to give the desired result but the code is not working fine. Whenever I am trying to pass any searchkeyword for any of the column, it is not calling the API instead doing client-side filtering, that i don't want.

@code {
private List customers;
private int pageIndex = 0;
private int pageSize = 25;
private int total;
private string filter;
private string sort;
public HttpClient HttpClient { get; set; }

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    await LoadData();

private async Task LoadData()
    var payload = new
        searchKeywords = new[]
            new { columnName = "FullName", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "Email", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "Phone", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "CompanyName", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "FirstName", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "LastName", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "BrickStandard", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "BrickExpanded", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "BrickClaim", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "Status", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "QuantityOrdered", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "DateLastOrderedOn", value = "" },
            new { columnName = "RegisteredOn", value = "" }
        pageIndex = pageIndex,
        pageSize = pageSize,
        sortColumn = "",
        sortOrder = ""

    var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload);
    var data = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

    var response = await HttpClient.PostAsync("https://localhost:7063/customers/search", data);

    var responseJson = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    var customers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<CustomerResponse>>(responseJson);
    this.customers = customers; = customers.Count;

private async Task OnFilterChanged(string value)
    pageIndex = 0;
    filter = value;

    var payload = new
        searchKeywords = new[]
        new { columnName = "FullName", value = value },
        new { columnName = "Email", value = value },
        new { columnName = "Phone", value = value },
        new { columnName = "CompanyName", value = value },
        new { columnName = "FirstName", value = value },
        new { columnName = "LastName", value = value },
        new { columnName = "BrickStandard", value = value },
        new { columnName = "BrickExpanded", value = value },
        new { columnName = "BrickClaim", value = value },
        new { columnName = "Status", value = value },
        new { columnName = "QuantityOrdered", value = value },
        new { columnName = "DateLastOrderedOn", value = value },
        new { columnName = "RegisteredOn", value = value }
        pageIndex = pageIndex,
        pageSize = pageSize,
        sortColumn = "",
        sortOrder = ""

    var response = await HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("https://localhost:7063/customers/search", payload);

    var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<SearchResult<CustomerResponse>>();
    customers = result.Items;
    total = result.TotalCount;

private async Task OnSortChanged(string columnName, bool descending)
    pageIndex = 0;

    var payload = new
        searchKeywords = new[]
            new { columnName = "FullName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "Email", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "Phone", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "CompanyName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "FirstName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "LastName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "BrickStandard", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "BrickExpanded", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "BrickClaim", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "Status", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "QuantityOrdered", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "DateLastOrderedOn", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "RegisteredOn", value = filter }
        pageIndex = pageIndex,
        pageSize = pageSize,
        sortColumn = columnName,
        sortOrder = descending ? "desc" : "asc"

    var response = await HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("https://localhost:7063/customers/search", payload);

    var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<SearchResult<CustomerResponse>>();
    customers = result.Items;
    total = result.TotalCount;

private async Task OnPageChanged(int page)
    pageIndex = page - 1;

    var payload = new
        searchKeywords = new[]
            new { columnName = "FullName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "Email", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "Phone", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "CompanyName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "FirstName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "LastName", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "BrickStandard", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "BrickExpanded", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "BrickClaim", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "Status", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "QuantityOrdered", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "DateLastOrderedOn", value = filter },
            new { columnName = "RegisteredOn", value = filter }
        pageIndex = pageIndex,
        pageSize = pageSize,
        sortColumn = "",
        sortOrder = ""

    var response = await HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("https://localhost:7063/customers/search", payload);

    var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<SearchResult<CustomerResponse>>();
    customers = result.Items;
    total = result.TotalCount;

Above is my code, hope i will get a proper response with explanation and at least a detailed documents which explains the process of implementing. Specially binding columns to the API calls.

The closest example is with OData service:

Hi @enchev ,
thanks for your reply, i modified the code as per shown in the article so now my code looks something like this

@code {
bool isLoading;
int count;
IEnumerable customers;
IList selectedCustomers;
RadzenDataGrid grid;
private ICustomerService CustomerService { get; set; }

async Task LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
    isLoading = true;
    var result = await CustomerService.GetCustomers(filter: args.Filter, top: args.Top, skip: args.Skip, orderby: args.OrderBy, count: true);
    // Update the Data property
    customers = result.Item1;
    // Update the count
    count = result.Item2;
    isLoading = false;

public async Task<(IEnumerable, int)> GetCustomers(string filter = null, int? top = null, int? skip = null, string orderby = null, bool count = true)
var queryOptions = new List();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
if (top.HasValue)
if (skip.HasValue)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby))
queryOptions.Add($"$orderby = CustomerId");
if (count)

        // Build the request URL
        var url = "https://localhost:7063/customers/ODataSearching";
        if (queryOptions.Any())
            url += "?" + string.Join("&", queryOptions);
        var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            var odataResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ODataResponse<CustomerResponse>>(content);
            var odataResult = odataResponse.Value;
            // Extract the count value from the response
            int totalCount = odataResponse.Count;
            return (odataResult, totalCount);
            throw new Exception($"Error getting customers: {response.StatusCode}");

the code is working fine for sorting and pagination but when i am filtering with any of the column it is throwing me an error, for example if i am trying to filter with column name as CompanyName and searching with string "ab" than it throwing me an error as Microsoft.OData.ODataException: '')' or operator expected at position 13 in '(CompanyName == null ? "" : CompanyName).ToLower().Contains("ab".ToLower())'.'
i dont know where is the issue may be the filter string return by the args.Filter is wrong. Kindly check this error.

You can check the example I already posted. The DataGrid will return OData filter only when AsODataEnumerable() is used. I would like to also kindly remind that support is guaranteed only for paid customers - if you demand support without subscription we will discontinue your forum account.