Scheduler - End Date


The line in the calendar stops before the End Date. How can I resolve this?
As in the below picture the end date is the 15th and the line should extend to include this day.
I'm not interested in the time aspect so in the form the date picker does not display the time, it does seems like the End Date time is using AM instead of PM?

The database End Date shows 2021-04-15 00:00:00.000 and if I change it to 2021-04-15 00:00:01.000 then the line does extend to include the 15th. Maybe this is a bug in Radzen Angular .Net Core 3.1?


This is how the Scheduler behaves. Honestly most calendars behave in the exact same way. Here is a screenshot from Google Calendar for the same case:

OK thanks for the reply. I was not aware that a Google calendar did the same.
I have tested by turning on the Time option (ShowTime) in the date picker and that defaults to current time and everything works. But I would really prefer that the Time picker not be visible. Any chance we can do this?
