Totally confused. For no apparent reason, some datagrids in my app have started today to show each row of data twice. Here's an example:
I have verified that the table I am querying return only 2 records, and that only these two records are returned to the datagrid to which the dataset is bound, and yet each row is being shown twice.
This has started happening just today; only on some datagrids, including some that I haven't touched for months, and yet on other datagrids, two of which I have worked on today, this is not happening.
I don't think it's prerendering, as this would just make the grid load twice but not cause this duplication of rows.
I'm not using views, I am directly querying sql tables using Dapper, and as I say, I can see that the correct number of rows are being returned.
Has anyone ever come across this before?
Kind Regards