Resolve ForeignKey-Columns in Excel Export

Good morning,

when I export a DataGrid to Excel, the exported Excelsheet only shows the value of the ForeignKey-Column:


I expected that there will also be shown the "resolved" Value from the target table (as shown in my DataGrid):


How can I correct that?

Thanks in advance,


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im also searching a solution for this.


At the moment this is not supported

Too bad. Then the Excel Export is useless for me. I have FK's in almost every Datagarid.
Perhaps sometimes the Excel Export exports the Datagrid "as it is".


The export controller code is part of the generated application and you can modify it in the way you want.

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Ah! Yes. And then put it on the ignore list. Ok


@Thomas, let me know if you find a clean way to make this happen, I'm going to want this too.

Until then, I guess I'll have to stick with the SSRS component reports...


@Thomas, I'm thinking that you could modify the export click event, add an Execute C# that joins together the main table (to maintain any sorting & filtering performed on the datagrid) with related tables with Linq, and sets the results to a new property. Then export the new property.

I'll see if you come up with anything before even trying this, as my Linq stinks and writing the query will be painful...


@SloSuenos, i will post here if i find a way to get the desired result. I will not use the Excel Export if i must do or modify each export programatically. Too much effort...
Only if i find a way that works for all exports. That means for sure to know whats defined in the datagrid and so on. Not easy. And not one of my higher priorities. Our App is in the beginning and there are so much things that are more important :wink:


You will be able to export lookup columns in Blazor application using latest Radzen. We will check if we can enable the same for Angular.

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HI, are there any updates on this topic?


Yes, export of foreign keys was enabled two years ago using dot notation in $select parameter.