Request: Generic RadzenChartSeries for CartesianSeries

It would be nice to create a generic version of the ChartSeries where you can pass the ChartType as a parameter (even if this means you miss out on some chart specific parameters)

<RadzenChartSeries ChartType=@ChartTypes.Bar Data=@Data ValueProperty=@ValueProperty CategoryProperty=@ CategoryProperty>

Currently to do this I have a long conditional which is painful and even worse if I decide to add RadzenMarkers or RadzenSeriesDataLabels to it as I would need to add it to each case.

But in case anyone else needs this, here's quick boilerplate to handle letting the user pick the ChartType and IsStacked realtime.

        @foreach (var series in SeriesGraphData) //Area , Bar , Column , Donut , Line , and Pie (Area, Bar, and Column are stackable)
            @if (Config.ChartType == "Area")
                @if (Config.IsStacked)
                    <RadzenStackedAreaSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
                    <RadzenAreaSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
            else if (Config.ChartType == "Bar")
                @if (Config.IsStacked)
                    <RadzenStackedBarSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
                    <RadzenBarSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
            else if (Config.ChartType == "Column")
                @if (Config.IsStacked)
                    <RadzenStackedColumnSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
                    <RadzenBarSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
            else if (Config.ChartType == "Donut")
                <RadzenDonutSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
            else if (Config.ChartType == "Line")
                <RadzenLineSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
            else if (Config.ChartType == "Pie")
                <RadzenPieSeries Data="@series.Value" CategoryProperty="Category" ValueProperty="Value" Title="@series.Key" />
            <RadzenGridLines Visible="@Config.ShowGridLinesForValues" />
            <RadzenAxisTitle Text="@Config.ValueProperty" />
            <RadzenGridLines Visible="@Config.ShowGridLinesForCategories" />
            <RadzenAxisTitle Text="@Config.CategoryProperty" />
        <RadzenLegend Visible="@Config.ShowLegend" />

Hi @Brock_Nash,

It is unlikely that we would add such a series type. You can create one yourself though so you can reuse it.