Removed support for bootstrap classes

Since you have dropped support for bootstrap classes. Should we just use RadzenRow and RadzenColumn instead?
I'm working on an application which utilized these bootstrap classes throughout the whole project.
Wondering if you guys are going to wrap everything or can I just swap the row and align-items-center class for instance with some radzen classes instead?

Hi @RagnarSmari,

Yes, use RadzenRow and RadzenColumn for layouts. You can try replacing the bootstrap classes with the ones generated by RadzenRow and RadzenColumn, but we cannot commit that all will be working properly and you will end up with a spaghetti source code. In terms of utility classes, you can have a look at the UI Fundamental section in our demos, e.g. Display.

In case you insist on using the bootstrap classes, you can always load the bootstrap.css before Radzen's styles.

Alright, thanks for the clarification! :blush: